The nominations for OGA Executive positions has now come to an end. All of the executive positions were filled. There was one candidate for each of the executive positions, everyone who ran was unopposed and acclaimed for their respective position. Six members of the current executive have chosen to stay on, some in new roles. January will be a transition month with the new executive team being in place officially starting February 1st.
OGA welcomes the following executives in their positions:
President – Brenda H. (brendah)
Vice President – Gregory P. (northernpenguin)
Secretary – Shiloh S. (Treknschmidt)
Treasurer – Lucas C. (Luc & Sweety)
Webmaster – John R. (teamvoyagr)
Executive Officer – Central, Lisa D. (wheezor)
Executive Officer – Eastern, Lib M. (bluelamb03)
Executive Officer – Golden Horseshoe, Ralph S. (res2100)
Executive Officer – Northern, Roger S. (Mag Magician)
Executive Officer – Southwestern, Rob M. (Swamper68)
Executive At Large – Mark H. (greywynd)
I am looking forward to a great two years with the OGA and will be doing my best to work with the others to make the OGA a great association!